A guide on how to use Duke.
Adds a todo, event or deadline task to your task list.
Automatically detects and removes a duplicate task you have just added.
Shows you the list of task you currently have.
Marks a tasks as done after you have completed it.
Deletes a task from your task list.
Finds a list of task using a keyword you have provided.
Automatically saves your task list to your hard disk when you add, remove, mark a task as done or exit the application.
- a normal taskevent
- a task occurring at a datedeadline
- a task that you need to complete before a dateAfter typing the command, press enter
to see a reply.
Adds a todo task by typing, todo "task"
Example of usage:
todo buy groceries
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✗] buy groceries
Now you have 1 task in the list.
Adds an event task by typing, event "task" /at "yyyy-mm-dd"
Example of usage:
event family outing /at 2020-09-20
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✗] family outing (at: Sep 20 2020)
Now you have 1 task in the list.
Adds a deadline task by typing, deadline "task" /by "yyyy-mm-dd"
Example of usage:
deadline submit application form /by 2020-05-03
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✗] submit application form (by: May 3 2020)
Now you have 1 task in the list.
Displays a list of tasks by typing, list
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][✗] buy groceries
2. [E][✗] family outing (at: Sep 20 2020)
3. [D][✗] submit application form (by: May 3 2020)
Marks a task as done by typing: done "index"
Example of usage:
done 1
Expected outcome:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][✓] buy groceries
Deletes the task from the list of tasks by typing, delete "index"
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][✓] buy groceries
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Finds the task from the list of tasks from a keyword by typing, find "keyword"
Example of usage:
find outing
Expected outcome:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [E][✗] family outing (at: Sep 20 2020)
2. [E][✗] class outing (at: Oct 20 2020)
Exit the application by typing, bye
Example of usage:
Expected outcome: application closes.